Working at home with kids - edition 2

May 6, 2020 1:35:11 AM Share this:

Keep kids entertained. Take the pressure off!

Let kids be kids. Working from home isn’t for everyone, and no family has the perfect plan or set up for doing so. Aim for the best balance possible and spend time learning, exploring, or playing with your kids in your break times. Make learning fun, and there is something for everyone – from toddlers to teens.

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Topics: Balance, Growing family, COVID-19, Working from home, Kids

Working at home with kids

May 6, 2020 1:25:14 AM Share this:

Find your rhythm. Make it fun, move with it.

Juggling work commitments with kids at home can be tricky as we continue to respond to COVID-19, but it is the new normal for many of us. At time kids may want your wholehearted attention, and nothing can deter them from it. Leaving them by themselves for extended periods during these times may not have the best outcome. Setting some realistic expectations at work and with your family will help you find your rhythm. 

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Topics: Balance, Family, COVID-19, Working from home, Kids